Friday, May 30, 2008

Nanci Pelosi - kick her out of her seat and she's no longer speaker!

She looks like she could be anyone's grandmother. She even talks like a grandmother - kind of oldish and a bit whiny. But don't be fooled by her looks, because at the core, she is spiteful, mean, and angry - judging, of course, by her actions and behavior.

This is a person who if something happens to whomever might be the President and Vice President, she gets to jump right in to the oval office and run the country to the ground. She's well on her way now to crippling us, if it's up to her we'll become the next great Socialist nation.

Here are some highlights:

1. She was part of the push to raise minimum wage for the U.S., so that everyone has a living wage! Everyone, that is, except for those living in American Samoa. Oh, she tries to say she has no special interests there, but given the tuna industry in her backyard, given that they use the Samoans for the labor, and that she actually went before the House Education & Labor Committee so that they could review the American Samoa situation. source

2. She kept pushing bills that would "send a message", even though President Bush made it clear that he would veto specific agendas ahead of time. How much of our hard earned money did she waste on her "message". And I would love to know how she was speaking for me! Too many examples to go through them all..

3. She went against the state department on a mission to Syria, where she misrepresented Israel. How wonderful and all-knowing is she!! source

4. She praises the Goodwill of Iran one of many sources. I can't even begin to comprehend this nonsense. The latest bit of garbage I noticed about Iran had to do with the death sentence for anyone who has the nerve to convert to another religion (and is convicted, but that will happen anytime they go after someone).

There are so many examples of not just ineptitude, not just corruption, but her flat out hatred for our country and the people she is supposed to be representing.

You - the people who keep electing her - have the power to stop this! Everyone has to look beyond their immediate local/state interest, and recognize that there is an inherit need of electing someone who can represent everyone. Yes, they are hopefully going to think of their own state's needs, but if they are grabbing at power, if they are corrupting the country, if they are going to destroy us all, they are not in anyone's best interest!

There are many more sources than just the ones I list - please, feel free to research everything yourself. Unlike Pelosi, I WANT people to educate themselves, so that they can make an informed decision FOR THEMSELVES!

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